

The following was written on a coaster for my zodiac sign, Gemini, and it fits quite well, I think :-)

The Gemini is versatile,
It is energetic and amusing,
It has brains, charm and finesse,
And it is interested in all sorts of things.

(Translated from German, so unfortunately it doesn't rhyme anymore.)

Quite often you may find me with an (e)book in my hand and a (Maine Coon) cat on my lap, but I' am also in favour of long walks, kayaking or various crafts from carving to knitting.

Born in Vienna, grown up in district part Stadlau, I expanded further to the neighbouring district part Kagran when attending Bernoulligynmasium high school.
After graduation I even took the plunge over the Danube to study Media Informatics "in the city" at TU Vienna , diploma thesis Dynamic Differential Geometry in an Educational Augmented Reality Application (pdf, 3,2 MB) (Library catalogue).
My "interested in all sorts of things" self then also studied Veterinary Medicine at Vetmeduni Vienna with emphasis on "Conservation Medicine", diploma thesis Veterinary Guidelines for the Cheetah European Endangered Species Programme (EEP) (pdf, 1,5 MB) (Library catalogue).

During my university studies I worked as project assistant for the "Virtual Campus" of TU Vienna's faculty of Architecture. When working in specimen transport I went for long walks on the university campus of Vetmeduni Vienna, until I found a nice office as secretary for the Österreichische Gesellschaft der Tierärzte (ÖGT). For I managed and presented webinars on various veterinary topics.
Despite my main interest in conservation, I got some hands-on experience in clinical veterinary medicine when working as vet nurse and vet for Tierarztpraxis Weiglgasse an Tierarztpraxis Bisamberg. Then my inner Gemini decided to do something different and I started working at AGFA HealthCare in PACS Service & Support. After some time a part of the company was aquired by Dedalus Healthcare where I now work as V&V Engineer (in other words software tester).